As responsible breeders and people who truly love dogs, we know that you cannot spend quality time with too many dogs. Feeding them and giving them a bath from time to time is simply not enough. They need their owner’s attention, love and care!
No dog likes to be ignored and French Bulldogs is especially demanding when it comes to that. He really likes spending time with his owner. That is why we only keep a few of them at the time and they all live with us, not in a kennel. They even have their own recreation room with proper air conditioning and when the weather is nice, they play outside in the backyard and our beautiful garden.

"All of our dogs are members of our family and that is exactly how we treat them"
It may sound a bit arrogant of me to say that we are quite successful in this “business”, but we are! We have bred and still breed top show dogs and we have had many champions, but that is certainly not our priority! We are aware that all Frenchies would rather spend time with their owners rather then travel all the time in an endless attempt to win some award on a dog contest. We have a holistic approach to this matter and we believe that a happy dog is a healthy dog!
When we are talking about dogs and competition, we do not need our dogs to satisfy our egos and make us feel good. We are very much active in other fields such as animal rescue and raising awareness about animal rights. We also know there is always a part of success not everyone can see and that includes putting a smile on people’s faces and knowing you did a good job.
A dog is a creature of habit and he needs consistent daily routine. All my family enjoys playing with our dogs, taking them for a walk, grooming them…, but it is not all that peachy! They have their own physical and emotional needs and being a responsible breeder and owner means satisfying those needs even when you have other obligations. At Fleur de Vanille, dogs come first. We never live them unattended and we even avoid living them with a professional sitter for more than a few hours. That sometimes means not going to a dog show for weeks or even months and don’t make me tell you how many times I have missed a vacation with my family for that! However, I love them, I love this job, so it does not seem like that much of a sacrifice to me.
We take our breeding very seriously and having a reliable and experienced veterinarian in this line of work is necessity. We are cooperating only with experts with high recommendations who are available to us 24/7.
"When it comes to our relationship with clients, honesty is our policy"
We are more interested in forming relationships that are more permanent and maintaining a good reputation, rather than a making a temporary profit.
We believe every dog deserves a loving home and unconditional love forever! We care about our dogs even when they are not “our” dogs anymore. We need to know the person that bought a dog from us is responsible, loving and committed to their pets. As we said, we do not do this primarily for money and forget about the dog once we “got rid of him”. That is why we are always willing to accept any dog back for whatever reason.
Since our main breeding goal is contributing the prosperity of French Bulldog, we only breed the best dogs. We love them all the same way, but we have to be honest to ourselves and willing to accept the fact that some dogs are only suitable for loving pets, while those extraordinary ones are meant for something much larger than that.
If you decide to buy a puppy from us, we make sure you get all the papers relating dog’s health and veterinarian care. Veterinarians evaluate all our puppies before they leave our home. In order to prove our honesty and integrity, we even encourage new owners to come to us and get the puppy personally if possible. That way you can see for yourself that we truly stand behind everything we said here.
"We believe every dog deserves a loving home and unconditional love forever!"